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Blended with fermented cocoa beans. Made with Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar and no artificial flavoring.
Blended with fermented cocoa beans. Made with Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar and no artificial flavoring.
Chek Hup 3 in 1 Ipoh White Coffee Original A medium roast with an authentically smooth taste. Made with coffee beans from Africa and Asia. The golden ratio for perfectly balanced coffee, blended with Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar and no artificial flavouring. 40 g x 12 sachets [Bundle of 2pkts] #CHEKHUP #3IN1 #INSTANTCOFFEE #WHITECOFFEE #ORIGINAL #MALAYSIA
Chek Hup 3 in 1 Ipoh White Coffee Rich A medium dark roast with an extraordinarily rich profile and bold aroma. Made with coffee beans from Africa and Asia. The golden ratio for perfectly balanced coffee, blended with Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar and no artificial flavouring. 40 g x 12 sachets [Bundle of 2pkts] #CHEKHUP #3IN1 #INSTANTCOFFEE #WHITECOFFEE...
Chek Hup 3 in 1 Ipoh White Coffee Less Sweet A medium roast with less sweetness. Made with coffee beans from Africa and Asia. The golden ratio for perfectly balanced coffee, blended with Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar and no artificial flavoring. 35 g x 12 sachets [Bundle of 2pkts] #CHEKHUP #3IN1 #INSTANTCOFFEE #WHITECOFFEE #LESSSWEET #MALAYSIA
Chek Hup 2 in 1 Ipoh White Coffee & Creamer A dark roast with a strong flavour and aroma. Made with coffee beans from Africa and Asia. The golden ratio for perfectly balanced coffee, with no artificial flavouring and optionally sweetened with included Chek Hup low-GI rock sugar sachets. 30 g x 12 sachets [Bundle of 2pkts]