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Motherhood Panel of Expert is our tool/directory to assist you in choosing from our diverse pool of health specialists and panel doctors. Discover better health and wellness by using our doctor ratings and review to make your choice. Read interviews and watch our AskMeDoctor! (AMD Season1), (AMD Season2), (AMD Season3), (AMD Season4), series to learn more about trending and current health issues to keep yourself up to date. We are dedicated to being the preferred directory with innovative use of technology. A pool of experienced professional doctors and well-trained staff who collaborate to offer the best diagnosis and treatment plans.
Dr. JoAnn Rajah
Paediatrician, MD (Manipal University), MRCPCH (UK)
Dr. Ng Yi-Ki
Dr. Rakhee Yadav
BSc Med Sc (UPM), MD (UPM), MMed. Paeds (UM), AM (Mal), Postgrad Dip Paed Nutrition (Boston), Early Nutrition Specialist (Munich)
Dr. Chin Wai Seong
MD (UKM, 1996), MRCPCH (2006)
Dr. Hieu Yu Jin
MBBS (IMU, 2010), MRCPCH (2018)
Dr. Yip Ke Xin
Dr. S. Sangeetha
MBBS ( Manipal ) , MRCPH (UK), Paediatric Infectious Disease and Immunology Fellow
Dr. Foo Chee Hoe
Dr. Melanie Majaham
Dr. Priya Sathish Chandran
MBBS (India), MRCPH (UK), Diploma in Learning Disorders Management & Child Psychology (Singapore)
Dr. Dr Hew Khor Farn
Dr. Vijaya Mohan
Dr. Lee Kok Fung
MD (USM), MRCPCH (UK), M Pediatrics (UM)
Dr. Rashdan Zaki Mohamed
Paediatric Endocrinologist
MBBS (Malaya), MPaeds (Malaya), Clinical Fellow Paediatric Endocrine, Clinical Fellowship National University Hospital Singapore
Dr. Eni Juraida Binti Abdul Rahman
Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, Paediatrics
MBBCH (Alexandria), M.MED in Paediatric (UKM)
Dr. Norzila Mohamed Zainudin
Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Paediatrics
MD(UKM), MMED Paediatrics (UKM)
Dr. Uma Sothinathan
Paediatrics - Neonatology
MBBS (Hons) Ind, MRCP (UK), FRCPCH (UK), CCT Neonatal Medicine & General Paediatrics (UK)
Dr. Nada Sudhakaran
Paediatric surgeon & Keyhole Surgery
MBBS University of Wales, UK, MRCS (Glasgow, UK)
Dr. Melvin Sia
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Dr. Amirul Effendy
Dr. Najib Daud
BDS (Jordan), Orthodontics, Endodontics, Aesthetic Dentistry
Dr. Nurfatin Afiqah
BDS (MAHSA), Orthodontics, Aesthetic Dentistry
Dr. Tan Yi Han
Dentist, GP Dental Surgeon
MBChb (Bristol, UK)MRCOG (London, UK)
Datin Dr. Caryn Fung
Dental Surgeon
Dr. Muhammad Azrai Abu
Obstetrics and Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist
MD (UKM) DrObGyn (M’sia), Reproductive Preservation (London), Reproductive Fellow (UKM)
Dr. Timothy Lee
Obstetrics and Gynaecologist
MRCOG (UK), Medical degree (MD) – University Putra Malaysia
Dr. Nor Elyana Noordin
MBChB (Glasgow,UK), MRCOG (UK)
Dr. Zarina Rahman
Certified Lactation Counsellor
Medical Degree, Master in Medical Science (UKM)
Ms. Elpeni Binti Ramli
Diploma at KPJ International College of Nursing
DC Joo Yi Ong
Chiropractic Care, WEBSTER Chiropractor
Honours degree ((IMU Malaysia), Webster Certified Chiropractor)
Physio-Fitness Practitioner
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (MAHSA University)
Ms. Pavithra Chanderan
Diploma in Physiotherapy | Certified Stott Pilates Instructor (Level 1) | Certified TRX Sports Medicine (Level 2)
Ms. Shany Wong
Wellness Coach
Dr. Prakash M Chandrakanthan
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
MBBS (Manipal), MRCOG (UK)
Dr. S. Janani
MBBS, MRCOG, Fellowship In Fetal Medicine (UK)
Dr. Victor Chin
MBBS (India), MRCOG (UK), Fellowship in Advanced Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgery (Australia)
Dr. Herbert Low Wea Haw
Obstetrics & Gynaecologist
MBBS (West Indies), M. Obs & Gyn (UM)
Dr. Kartini Farah Rahim
Dr. Ch'ng Chin Chwen
MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK), AdvM Derm (UKM)
Dr. Teeba Raja
MRCP (UK), Advanced Master of Dermatology(UKM), Fellowship in Dermatology(UKM), SCE Dermatology (UK)
Dr. Adrian Yong
BSc (Hons), MBBS (London), MRCP (UK), CCT Dermatology (UK)
Dr. Bong Jan Ling
MB ChB (Dundee), MMed Sci (Nottingham), FRCP (UK), CCST (UK)
Dr. Christie Moey
Medical Aesthetic Physician
M.D (Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia), Certificate of AAAM and Malaysia Aesthetic Certificate.
Dr. Fiona Chew
Ophthalmologist, Paediatric Ophthalmologist
MB BCh BAO (Ireland), MS Ophthalmology (UM), Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (Singapore)
Dr. Malisa Ami
MBBCh BaO (Belfast, UK), Dr. Ophth (UKM), AM (Mal), Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (University of Auckland, NZ)
Dr. Tang Mei Ling
Ear, Nose & Throat, Head and Neck Surgery
MBBS (IMU), MS Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (UM)
Dr. Chai Chiun Kian
MD (UNIMAS), MS Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (UM)
Dr. Wong Zhiqin
MD (MMMC), MFRCP (Edinburgh), Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy (UM)
Prof. Dr. Raja Affendi
MBBChBAO(Hons), MSc, HDip(Clinical teaching)(NUI)MD, MRCPI, MRCP (UK), CCST(RCP Ireland)
Dr. Ahmad Najib
MBBS (IIUM), Gastroenterology & Hepatology Fellowship (UM)
Dr. Tee Teong Jin
MD (Taiwan), FACP (USA), FACG (USA), AM (MAL), Fellowship in Advanced Endoscopy (Nanjing)
Dr. Saravana Kumar
Dr. Andy Easwaren
MBBS (UM), M Internal Medicine (UM), AM (Malaysia)
Dr. Dennis Khoo Yeap Teng
MBBS (Malaya), MRCP (UK), MRCPS (Glasgow), Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Advanced Endoscopy (MOH)
Dr. Cheong Kuan Loong
MBBS (UM), M.Med (Int. Med.) (UM), Fellowship in Gastroenterology (Mal)
Mr. Lee Chun Hsien
B.Sc. Degree in Nutrition Science, Certified in Nutritional Medicine
Ms. Pamilia Andrew
M.HSc (Clinical and Counselling Psychology), International Islamic University Malaysia Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems), Deakin University
Dr. Lim Wai Jenn
MD (Jefferson, USA), ABPN Psychiatry (USA), ABPN Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (USA), Fellowship in Intensive Structural Family Therapy (USA)
Dr. Norharlina Bahar
MD (UKM), M.Med (Psych)(UKM), Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (VIC), Fellowship in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (Mal)
Ms Katyana Azman
BSc (Mel), GDipPsych(Mel), MSc Health Psychology(Lon)
Prof. Madya Dato' Dr. Mohd Hisam Muhamad Ariffin
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Spine, Minimal Invasive and Scoliosis Surgery
MBBS (India), Master of Surgery (Orthopaedic) (UKM)
Dr Paisal Hussin
MBBS (UM), M Orthopedic Surgery (UM)
Dr. James Kok Wai Leong
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT), Head & Neck Surgery
MD (CSMU, DOHNS (England), MORL-HNS (Malaya), Fellow of the European Board of ORL-HNS, FICS (USA)
Dr. Benjamin Leo Cheang Leng
Consultant Internal Medicine Physician & Interventional Cardiologist
Internal Medicine and Cardiology, MBBCh BAO (Ireland), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Korea & Malaysia)
Dr. Tee Chee Hian
Consultant Cardiologist & Internal Medicine
MD (UKM), MRCP (UK), MMed Internal Medicine (S'pore), FSCAI (USA)
Dr. How Ann Kee
Cardiologist, Electrophysiologist
MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK), Fellowship in Cardiology (Malaysia), Fellowship in Cardiac Electrophysiology & Pacing (Singapore), FNHAM (Mal), FHRS (USA), CCDS (IBHRE), CEPS-A (IBHRE)
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