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Benefits: Fast absorption Non greasy 40x higher antioxidant Contains Natural Vitamin E Olive oil provides smooth softness to skin Skin anti inflammation and brightening effect Noticeable changes in 4 weeks time
Benefits: Moisturizes as it cleanses. It does not strip the skin of its natural oils Rinse-free formula Fragrance certified safe by International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Contains Natural Vitamin E and Vitamin C
Benefits: Fast absorption - Non greasy 40x higher antioxidant Contains Natural Vitamin E Olive oil provides smooth softness to skin Skin anti inflammation and brightening effect Noticeable changes in 4 weeks time
Benefits: Fast absorption Non greasy 40x higher antioxidant Contains Natural Vitamin E Olive oil provides smooth softness to skin Skin anti inflammation and brightening effect Noticeable changes in 4 weeks time