PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量


PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量

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Estimate Delivery Cost: RM14.00
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Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence is an excellent dietary supplement for male.
Made from 23 ingredients including oysters, sea cucumber and dried scallops, 28 herbs including Epimedium, Maca and Tongkat Ali are extracted and refined.
Rich in amino acids (arginine, lysine, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc.), vitamins (B, D, etc.), minerals (zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc.), botanical extracts (Epimedium total, eugenol, macaene, etc.)

Main ingredients: Dried oyster, sea cucumber, dried scallop, cuttlefish, walnut, chestnut, black sesame, lotus seed, leek, chive, bacopa monniera, Tongkat Ali, Epimedium, maca, eucommia, cuscuta, wolfberry, codonopsis, rehmannia, bei qi, roasted licorice, angelica and 51 other ingredients.

Mix 15ml of PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence with 100ml of warm/ hot water. Stir evenly & drink immediately. Take 1-2 times daily berfore meal. Shake well before use.

Specifications: 150ml




1 减少DNA损坏和精子畸形,提高精子品质,帮助男性维持生育能力。
2 调节性激素的功能,促进细胞再生和机体损伤后的修复,提高精子在女性体内的受孕率。
3 维持身体正常的代谢功能,包括性激素的代谢。
4 能增强精子品质及活动力,增加型态正常的精子细胞。
5 解决性无能与勃起功能障碍、增加男性的精力与性欲。
6 缓解男性阳痿和早泄等问题。

1 准备一杯100毫升的温热水,倒入15毫升好劲养生精,搅拌均匀后服用。
2 一天服用1-2次,于饭前服用。



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PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量

PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量

PFW Vigor-Men Concentrate Nourish Essence/Increase Sperm Count and Quality/Strengthen Waist and Bones 好劲养生精 男性保养 提升精子数量和质量

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