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This 2-in-1 children's drawing board...
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孕妈们注意啦,Motherhood 华语线下Parentcraft 终于来啦!这是一个不可错过的课程,一堂就可以为爸妈们解答所有疑问和消除任何孕期孕后的任何忧虑!Parentcraft 为爸妈们准备的是一场由不同母婴界的专业人士,以易学易懂轻松的方式,和大家讲解及分享有关孕期,生产过程,产后调理和保养的知识及撇步。让爸爸妈妈们可以当个不慌张的新手爸妈❤️Parentcraft线下学习 新手爸妈必备班 详情:场地: Conference Hall, Level 11 Block C, Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara. 地址: 11, Jalan Teknologi, Taman Sains Selangor, 1, PJU 5, Kota Damansara,...
Motherhood welcomes you to join parentcraft offline in special collaboration with our partnerning hospitals across Klang Valley. Aims to answer all mother-to-be questions & fears about the birth of your baby. Workshop Dates with Thomson Hospital, Kota Damansara 14th Dec 2024, Sat (SOLD OUT) Venue: Conference Hall, Lvl 11 Block C, Thomson Hospital...