How to vote

Showcasing top quality, safe and innovative products
that are endorsed by mothers from all over the world.

About The Award

The Motherhood’s Choice 100 is Motherhood’s effort to seek out the favorite brands for pregnancy, maternity, baby, toddler and kids product/services. In line with the Government’s commitment to regulate and improve child safety measures. Motherhood’s Choice 100 seeks to showcase top quality, safe and innovative products that are endorsed by mothers from all over the world.


To recognize outstanding brands and products.

To reward and promote outstanding products.

To inspire and motivate businesses to aim for excellence of their products.

To celebrate and highlight the achievements of outstanding products that has contributed positively to the mom's community.


Trusted Reseaarch Survey

We are the leading parenting media company with over 5,000,000 parents on our platform. We commissioned highly recognised market surveys on top categories, such as Maternity, Baby, Kid and Family products and services. Over 5,000 individuals were surveyed for this award.

Consumers Voting

Each respondent was required to complete an online questionnaire. We asked each participant to select or tell us the name of their most trusted brand based on the attributes:-

  • Trustworthy
  • Quality
  • Value
  • Understanding of Customer Needs
  • Innovation and Social Responsibility

Motherhood Choice Rating

The final ranking in each product category was obtained by selecting the brand with the highest number of votes. Motherhood Choice Awards were given to brands that scored significantly higher than their rivals.

Presenting the Winning Brands

Motherhood Choice Awards awards brand that score significantly higher than their competitors.


01 March 2022
Brand Nomination

01 May 2022
Start Public Voting

30 September 2022
Public Voting Closed

10 Oct 2022
Winners Announcement

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